It’s true that no day on the hills – even in the pouring rain – is without its pleasures, but it’s equally true that you tend to forget this when you wake to see low cloud hiding the tops and all the views you’d dreamt of when making plans the night before. So it was as I slowly came to life that
The Way to Ben More by Dave Simpson
Part 1 The choice of which Munro to keep for last is usually made carefully. Sir Hugh himself was keeping Carn Cloch Mhuillin so that he could take ponies to the top carrying the wherewithal for a banquet. In my case Ben More on Mull almost selected itself. The remaining mainland summits were
Meets Book 1978 – 1985
The following are some scans of our Meets Book 1978 to 1985! Click for bigger images and a real page-turner!!
The founding of the Braes o’ Fife Mountaineering Club
Hamish Brown recalls 1973 and the founding of the BOFMC Time doesn 't just fly; it seems to become jet-propelled. BOFMC is surely only a few years old not 30. But I 've just dug out my log books for that year. It is all recorded. The main impression I get is how very busy and active a year it was