This was a tough meet for a lot of people after several members finally succumbed to covid a few weeks before. Nobody was very sure what constituted overdoing it and it’s fair to say there was a bit of apprehension about going big!
Cat went up Gulvain on Thursday and joined Mary and Stephen in the hut on Thursday night.
On Friday, Tim and Cat climbed four hills in Glen Etive, culminating in a soaking on Ben Starav before the main meet started on the Friday night.
Joady was supposed to be biking at the Nevis Range and after a date mix-up, decided on Meall nan Eun on Saturday.
Adam went for a run up the Devil’s Staircase for some hilltraining before a big event later in the year.
Colin trotted up the two Buachailles from the hut.
Mary and Stephen crossed the river for some Cobett seeking.
Tim, Heather and Cat went up Benn Sgulaird the road less travelled (from Glen Etive).
Despite the apprehension about post-covid hillwalking, this meet has to be a contender for the most active meet of the year so far! Well done to all!